Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Prayer!

This will be the first post in a long while, but this post is more like a prayer, than a story. Lord my God, Heavenly Father of all above, most Holy Lord, thank you for the breath in my mouth to speak, and my hands to write with, you Oh Lord are most high above all, Forgive me when I forget that I am mere dust and vapor, and why should you consider me! But for some reason in your thoughts and mind it was in you not only to make Adam, but to also redeem him and all his family, when we fell from the innocence and believed a lie that we could be like you! When you placed all of your wrath on your own Son, who bore our sins in his flesh for our redemption, rather than just removing man from your creation and starting over, you chose to love me first when I was incapable of true love, your mercy is overflowing, your compassion deep beyond comprehension. Lord when I forget my place, forgive me, and draw me gently Lord to repentance and cover my sin once more, Let me give Honor to my Redeemer Jesus and praise most high to the Father who showed his true nature to the sons of men through the life of his most precious son, I know my Redeemer lives, so I may come before you Lord. Show your mercy and compassion upon me that all may see how great your love is and how freely you give it to all who you draw unto you. Praise to the Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit. Only you are worthy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

What is your story? Are you telling it! Success in life and faith!

This is video from Christ Church of the Valley, It is compelling and shows the power of what happens when you are saved from a circumstance, but left there as a witness to draw other's to the faith, what would happen if all Christian's did not get "Saved" and retreat into the Church, but actually stayed right where they were and became the "Salt and Light" that God calls us to be in a lost world.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I think I need to smell some pine trees!

I really think that in the midst of a change of life, it might just be good to go out and do something you like doing, and see if it still works to change your attitude! In my case it would be to go smell some pine trees, take a walk in a forest and just wonder what ever happened to the rest of the world! I think that is the reason for a Sabbath, no working, it seems that the problem has been around for thousands of years, human beings have been so obsessed with existing, making sure they leave some kind of significant mark on the world or just survive,that they have forgot to appreciate the world or it's beauty! We are always so apt to feel guilty for not having done something significant, that we punish ourselves, by doing too much of the mundane. If life is important, than we should stop and appreciate it! It is one of the reasons peak bagging got old, it is great to get to the top of the mountain, but often, the race to see how fast you go up, and come down, setting a record, kind of misses the point of seeing and experiencing the mountain. Exercise in it's self will clear the mind, but what you see, smell, touch, these reconnect you with your soul, refresh your spirit, make your mind think in new ways! So, when you start to get stale, when the only thing in your heart and your mind make you want to scream, stop, remember what makes you happy, and just do it! Whatever day you do a Sabbath, do it, don't feel guilty, don't count the productive things you could have done, just remember, it is not about work, if you exercise when you Sabbath, the exercise should not be (for your good), it is should be because it takes you where you want to be, it should ultimately relax and help re-create you, re-center yourself, to appreciate... God, the world, and the people around you! Here are some pictures to take your mind off of things that you see everyday!

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Set of the Sail!

It is not the storm we are weathering but the set of the sail that determines our success! That is a phrase that was said to me in a training on personal development, it was about being successful with anything!
But here it is coming out of my pastor's teaching, a completely unexpected question was posed, what storm has blown into your life and how will you react to it? You can sit at the foot of the master and learn and practice and learn and practice and grow in your spiritual life or let the storm come into your life and the Lord will use that to force your training, force your change, and setting the sail will allow you to not founder, but start to move upward toward the high call you are to move to! We are encouraged to move from where we are in reality to where we should be ideally! All of this come from our bible, our Lord teaches us that the all the solution is accomplished, he has been their ahead of us, he has purchased everything for us that work is accomplished, our salvation is complete in him. But the reality is he meets us where we are at, but does not want us to stay there, imagine that, when God meets you as a drug addict, a thief, a murderer, a pervert, he does not want you to stay there! While that seems like a no brain for those obviously broken people, but sometimes when you are just a person, who was seeking to fill that empty spot, to mend a broken heart to find a relationship with God, maybe you grew up in or around the church, you don't see the need for the radical transformation, but nothing could be further from the truth! God has a plan for everyone, it is a process called sanctification. It is called the process of finishing you into the Man or Woman of God that he knows you will be, not where he found you! " Focus on the process you get the goal, Focus on the goal and you will get frustrated."  This is true for everything in life, it is the principle taught in the Slight Edge philosophy. And of interesting note, lots and lots of personal development (personal growth) arena is ripped straight out of the Gospel, and old testament scriptures! We need to concentrate in our spiritual life,to pray, study and share!
We also need to give the Lord the chance to change not our personality, he gave it to us, but to make us into loving, kind, giving people. People who bring others into the boat of a saved life, one that has a future on the other side of this boot camp, we call life, but is only the door to the real life, ready to graduate and have the Lord say, "Well done, enter into my rest!"

So here is the takeaway, if your business has a proven model, with a process that works, do it, over and over again until you are perfect, if you are working at weight loss, it is not the doughnut you avoid but the process if you keep on, that will work to your goal! Whatever you do, focus on your guided development and you will change! Move incrementally each day forward doing the small things everyday that add up to huge change over the long haul!

Build your spiritual life!
Build a Business!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The spiritual post of the week, It is Sunday. But why does that matter?

It doesn't really, that's the point! 
It really doesn't matter that it is Sunday, Sunday was yesterday in some place and it is Monday there now! That is the point, almost every religion has someday in the week it sets aside as significant to worship, reflect, and meditate, but spirituality is really about your state of mind and the importance that you place on it! It is important even for an atheist to stop and think about life, and it is really a religion all to itself... but let's not get started on that! I don't care what you think about God, I only know what is true and what my experience with God is! Oh by the way for those who think that the Sabbath means you can't work, what about pastors... It is a good idea to have a day of total rest, it is good for the body, soul and spirit, but here is one thing that is really important to know, it is never illegal to do good on the Spiritual day! I think it is was a fine cultural tradition for business to respect the culture and be closed on the Sunday, but when it becomes a law, it probably needs to be examined, and I think the real reason for a law, would be to protect your business from losing money to a competitor! Not very spiritual! So my point here is that I usually treat Sunday as special, it is the time I meet with others of my faith, worship the God I love and invite them to join me if they want to find out what it is all about, it is also a time of service, meditation and redirection for the next day, but the next day really should not be any different, it should be about service to other's, meditation on the Creators attributes and treating all those around me with love, respect and care! So while there are people who think that religion is all about hate, it is not! And while like any group of humans, some use a religion to set themselves aside as special, so that they can place what they do as above others, that happens with Bridge club's, Night Club's, Sororities, Congress, a school clique or just gathering at the water cooler! Let all who are of faith remember that we are all just sojourner's here for a while, no one is better than the other and that the great and the least will all look alike in a mass grave! The point is to treat everyday like a Sunday and extend the grace, mercy and kindness toward each other that we should! That the argument best won is the one avoided! That everyone is just trying to feel important, why don't we just let everyone be important! Think how the world would be if everyone treated everyone else like a VIP! Have a wonderful and prosperous week, treat other's in business like you would want to be treated in life, be honest, truthful, kind and understanding, always try to see the other viewpoint, and remember your first response to negativity is probably not your best, be slow to answer, quick to apologize and tolerant with anger!
My new blog! It gets more traffic!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pearls Before Breakfast - A thought provoking look at life!

If your life is so busy with working, if work, hurry, bustle, meet that schedule is all that runs your life, here is what you might be missing!
Read this article! Watch the Video! And read the rest of this post!
Pearls Before Breakfast -

I hope you enjoyed this quick post! If you spend all of your life missing the beauty, and see a man playing a violin in a busy terminal as a beggars way of making a living, think again!
Change your mind about the world, what we all need is time to appreciate what is important, the man playing the violin could be just as poignant as " What if God was one of us" Everyone was missing the beauty of that talent, when it was right there!

Check out my other blog, and if you like blogging, but would like to actually get read!
Check this out! A Viral blogging system, to get your blog seen!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Men's Fraternity! Session 14 What is a Reputation worth?

What is this doing on walking by faith in Christ for! And why so long for a post? Good questions, but it is after all my blog and I hope it has been missed! Just briefly, it is Men's Fraternity that has been part of the healing going on in me from the hard times. And this morning at 5:30 am, we sat down and reviewed what a good name is all about, how your reputation is sometimes the only thing of value you have left, and the only thing that will count is what people see you do over and over again, REPUTATION is the most important thing, and your name must stand for something, no matter what the cost, and when you feel like quitting, just remember that the only thing that builds your reputation is never quitting, doing the right things, not only is God watching, but others are to, and what they see in you. So check out this Video, and see what you can do when life deals you a bad hand!

Check this post out on my New Blog, this blog is only for those who like to make money or help others to make money! Empower Network! ‎

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Another year, What a year!

I will reach Higher points than this in my Life!
Mt. Whitney looking back along the Needles to Mt. Muir, all 14,000 +
First of all, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! That being said, I sure am done with 2011! It was a strange year! A mixture of blessing's, challenges and learning! My beautiful Granddaughter Layla had her first birthday, and we welcomed the equally gorgeous second Granddaughter Abigail into the world! They have been one of the most important reasons I have endured, just to watch them grow and hold them in my arm's can make a hard day worth while! Learning a new role, and a great deal about myself and what the Lord Jesus wants to see me grow into and change has been one of the most productive times in my life, and one of the toughest. I have gone places I could never imagine and some I did not want to go to!  2012 will be full of unknowns, full of challenges, and I hope, God willing, full of success! So here is my prayer for 2012, Lord we know you have all things in your hands, we know also, that we cannot fathom the depth of your Grace, Mercy and Love, Help us Lord to Accept the things we don't understand, Thank you for your mercies and help us to forgive each other for our failures, may you bless each and every person with the presence of your Spirit to teach your children and draw the lost to you! Build in us a burning desire for your word, a need to witness your gospel, And as always Lord we echo the final thoughts of your word to us, Come quickly Lord Jesus, In his Blessed Name we pray, Amen.