Monday, February 27, 2012

The Set of the Sail!

It is not the storm we are weathering but the set of the sail that determines our success! That is a phrase that was said to me in a training on personal development, it was about being successful with anything!
But here it is coming out of my pastor's teaching, a completely unexpected question was posed, what storm has blown into your life and how will you react to it? You can sit at the foot of the master and learn and practice and learn and practice and grow in your spiritual life or let the storm come into your life and the Lord will use that to force your training, force your change, and setting the sail will allow you to not founder, but start to move upward toward the high call you are to move to! We are encouraged to move from where we are in reality to where we should be ideally! All of this come from our bible, our Lord teaches us that the all the solution is accomplished, he has been their ahead of us, he has purchased everything for us that work is accomplished, our salvation is complete in him. But the reality is he meets us where we are at, but does not want us to stay there, imagine that, when God meets you as a drug addict, a thief, a murderer, a pervert, he does not want you to stay there! While that seems like a no brain for those obviously broken people, but sometimes when you are just a person, who was seeking to fill that empty spot, to mend a broken heart to find a relationship with God, maybe you grew up in or around the church, you don't see the need for the radical transformation, but nothing could be further from the truth! God has a plan for everyone, it is a process called sanctification. It is called the process of finishing you into the Man or Woman of God that he knows you will be, not where he found you! " Focus on the process you get the goal, Focus on the goal and you will get frustrated."  This is true for everything in life, it is the principle taught in the Slight Edge philosophy. And of interesting note, lots and lots of personal development (personal growth) arena is ripped straight out of the Gospel, and old testament scriptures! We need to concentrate in our spiritual life,to pray, study and share!
We also need to give the Lord the chance to change not our personality, he gave it to us, but to make us into loving, kind, giving people. People who bring others into the boat of a saved life, one that has a future on the other side of this boot camp, we call life, but is only the door to the real life, ready to graduate and have the Lord say, "Well done, enter into my rest!"

So here is the takeaway, if your business has a proven model, with a process that works, do it, over and over again until you are perfect, if you are working at weight loss, it is not the doughnut you avoid but the process if you keep on, that will work to your goal! Whatever you do, focus on your guided development and you will change! Move incrementally each day forward doing the small things everyday that add up to huge change over the long haul!

Build your spiritual life!
Build a Business!

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