Sunday, February 19, 2012

The spiritual post of the week, It is Sunday. But why does that matter?

It doesn't really, that's the point! 
It really doesn't matter that it is Sunday, Sunday was yesterday in some place and it is Monday there now! That is the point, almost every religion has someday in the week it sets aside as significant to worship, reflect, and meditate, but spirituality is really about your state of mind and the importance that you place on it! It is important even for an atheist to stop and think about life, and it is really a religion all to itself... but let's not get started on that! I don't care what you think about God, I only know what is true and what my experience with God is! Oh by the way for those who think that the Sabbath means you can't work, what about pastors... It is a good idea to have a day of total rest, it is good for the body, soul and spirit, but here is one thing that is really important to know, it is never illegal to do good on the Spiritual day! I think it is was a fine cultural tradition for business to respect the culture and be closed on the Sunday, but when it becomes a law, it probably needs to be examined, and I think the real reason for a law, would be to protect your business from losing money to a competitor! Not very spiritual! So my point here is that I usually treat Sunday as special, it is the time I meet with others of my faith, worship the God I love and invite them to join me if they want to find out what it is all about, it is also a time of service, meditation and redirection for the next day, but the next day really should not be any different, it should be about service to other's, meditation on the Creators attributes and treating all those around me with love, respect and care! So while there are people who think that religion is all about hate, it is not! And while like any group of humans, some use a religion to set themselves aside as special, so that they can place what they do as above others, that happens with Bridge club's, Night Club's, Sororities, Congress, a school clique or just gathering at the water cooler! Let all who are of faith remember that we are all just sojourner's here for a while, no one is better than the other and that the great and the least will all look alike in a mass grave! The point is to treat everyday like a Sunday and extend the grace, mercy and kindness toward each other that we should! That the argument best won is the one avoided! That everyone is just trying to feel important, why don't we just let everyone be important! Think how the world would be if everyone treated everyone else like a VIP! Have a wonderful and prosperous week, treat other's in business like you would want to be treated in life, be honest, truthful, kind and understanding, always try to see the other viewpoint, and remember your first response to negativity is probably not your best, be slow to answer, quick to apologize and tolerant with anger!
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