Thursday, October 6, 2011

Walking with Christ in trials!

I did not think that my next post would be about a trial, I was hoping to post about my experiences on a hike and the spiritual implications that I draw from them. I thought I might talk about walking by faith and standing on the promises of God when I was assisting my daughter with her pregnancy of my second grandchild. But instead it is about a completely new and different area, I have joined the ranks of 100's of thousands of other Americans in the unemployment line. After 18 1/.2 years of dedication to a man and and a small company, one that I had been repeatedly told that I was a crucial and integral part of, I was released from employment, Laid of for lack of funds, "sorry this is purely a business decision, you are one of the highest paid here!" No complaint of malfeasance, in fact just recently commended for helping to research and implement new Customer relations software to help the same guy who let me go with his flagging sales. Well I have had quite an emotional roller coaster of emotions going, with everything from anger, despair, bitter disappointment to searching for who I really am. Well, I am here at this point to let anyone who reads this know, that you can only thank God for watching over you, and I don't mean to sound like I am spiritually cool, got this thing handled, Jesus has me covered, but really no one understands this until they have been there, and like my experiences on the slopes of mountain tops, you can't know what it is like until you have been here! I have been unemployed before, but not from a job that had become who I was, I mean I have tried to fill out a resume and I honestly don't know what to put down as a career position! I am now learning what the Holy spirit had been whispering in my ear before this happened, " I am not through with you, I will remove from you the pride and get my glory from you." I have been for the last several years wondering, searching for something more from this life, even despairing that if this was all that life could offer, trapped in a commute, exercise, work, commute, exercise, work, over and over again. What happens to a christian when he can't find a way to work out his faith, and show it to other's through his works? I will tell you what happens, if he goes to his knees again and again asking for direction, asking for action, God will give it to you, if he loves you, if you belong to Him and seek Him, he will bring about the circumstances in your life that you lack the courage to step out into! It is like being trained to swim, you get in the water, holding on to the coping, doing the exercises, but never getting away from the edge and saying "I want to swim, I want to swim, but never doing it, then you get out of the pool, stand on the edge and wonder what is wrong with you, You have been trained, you have even helped others swim, why aren't you doing it, God will bring a flood, he will sweep you up in it and you will swim, it is called a test, he never gives you tests you can't pass, so as I start swimming in new waters, navigating a flood of Christ's unfathomable love and concern for my growth into the man he want me to be, I say to the old job, that wasn't me, I am a new man, reborn, in transformation to the man God wants me to be, if all I ever do is give God glory for what he is about to do, is doing and will do then I will have fulfilled my destiny. If nothing else happens in my life, I only pray that God will burn away what is wrong in me till only His  glory shows! Oh by the way, my oldest ability, one that has laid trapped in that mire of indecision, was my ability to run at the mouth before a keyboard, I am already on my way to one of the ways that Christ directed me to reach the world, and I just could not find the time! Here it is pouring out of me! Praise be to God!