Saturday, December 17, 2011

Share the Season: Discovering peace # 2, "Lord have patience with me"

Am I a patient person? What is my stress out level? What does Christmas really mean to me? These were my first thoughts for this post, but that was interrupted by the breaking news of the day, people losing life right before the Holy Days, yeah that is what Holidays really means, New Year's is not a Holiday. The loss of life at the Edison Facility in Irwindale Ca. today, talks a lot about patience, peace and what is really wrong with this time of year. We won't ever really know the whole story as it was only in the mind of the shooter what happened within his mind that apparently drove this man for revenge, these things are always triggered by anger, which is the complete loss of patience, peace and desperation that will now bring the type of sadness to the victimized families and friends, that he and his family felt. It will also damage the peace of those who were not hurt, as security will be replaced by the jumping when a door slams or nervous sweat that will come in the middle of the night as the stress crops up. What I mean about "what is really wrong about this time of year?" It is supposed to be a time of Joyous celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, about sharing the Joy of the Messiah's birth, the peace that God declared between Man and God by taking on his creations form and living with us! It has become a time of stress, not just to those shopper's looking for bargains, but to those who can't share with family, can't give gifts, can't even be sure they will eat. It has become a time when you want everyone to be happy, whether they have a reason to be happy or not!  The picture of happy holidays in most of our culture is one that talks mostly of how much your family will love you, how your children's eyes will sparkle when they get that special whatever they get under the tree! People sit in parking lots, blocking traffic just to get a parking space! The desperate attempts of Society as a whole and the Christian community is to try and alleviate the suffering of those who feel left out by trying to make sure that they have all the things they are enjoying too, that does not work, it makes the people doing the giving feel better, but it only tends to reinforce the feeling of loss, of inadequacy in the hopelessness they are experiencing! We can't fix this despair without really helping, don't bring that family a meal, and a few Chinese toys from Walmart, don't look at your friend who just got laid off and sigh with relief that it did not happen to you, don't expect them to cheer up, things could be worse! Who needs friends like that! Instead pray "Lord have patience with me, teach me how to really love, like you did, how to really care, forgive me when I am not compassionate, and open my life in love to those around me who hurt, maybe I can stop the needless loss of life by understanding the real meaning of Christmas and bring others to know you and extend your arms of love even to my brothers who may think they have lost their way with you, this is my Christmas prayer to you Lord Jesus." 

We need patience, patience which by definition means to withhold our self in the face of adversity, frustration and impossible situations. Patience when we don't understand the reasons that things go so wrong, when people act in their own interest. I have had people tell me that I am patient, and am slow to anger. That is the difference between the outward appearance and my own internal knowledge of my real condition! What I have quietly put up with has more to do with fear than long suffering. Indeed I get very upset by politics, injustice, prejudice, traffic and individuals who only seek to promote themselves at the expensive of others!
It is the patience of God that bears with us to salvation. It is finding patience that will bring us peace. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, Peace is the Hebrew word Shalom, it means so much more than just the cessation of hostility between Man and God. Shalom means wholeness, completeness, as an action it means totality of restoration to the original owner! Lord Jesus come quickly, In the meantime, in my patient waiting, bring me your Shalom! Thank You for restoring my relationship to you, when I could not!. Pray for the families, of those lost and wounded in the violence of those who have lost hope, become desperate and angry and hurt others! Help us to be kind all the time to all people!

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