Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Share the Season- Discovering peace #1

Peace and Anxiety do not go together, they can't exist in the same place and yet when we are anxious we should turn to peace but how do we discover peace and cling to it in the middle of turmoil? Rediscovering Christmas Peace was the topic of Jeff Vines sermon Sunday and spoke directly to me. In this time of high anxiety for me and my family it is hard to grasp peace, the season has become one of stress all by itself, let alone without the added stress of employment, finance, turmoil and self involved examination of one's self! 
Here is a bit of Christmas peace, Luke 2:14  "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!", it is not as you might expect that I took comfort from the part about peace, but the phrase "with whom he is pleased!". Yes, with sin in the world, with it seeming that God is really mad at us, wants us to tow the line or be destroyed, that is not the case at all, he is pleased with us and is in the process of bringing as many as will come to peace and fellowship, not destruction! Isaiah 43:1 "But nowthus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name ; you are Mine!". In Luke just as he was announcing the birth of Jesus he told the shepherds in the field, "Do not be afraid", for as Jeff pointed out, most of the time when people see such a display of God's glory, they expect judgement, we seem to be fearful all the time! Christians love Christmas, it is the day we designate in the year to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and we don't really care at this point if the exact date is not right, it is not about evergreen trees, or presents, it is about the birth of God's message of Love, Peace, Fellowship, his Olive branch, the making of Peace with mankind that he wants to exist between Him and Us. God taking on flesh and blood to identify, redeem and be able to touch us and know our fears, hopes, dreams! Anxiety draws our attentions in many directions, it keeps us in the perpetual state of not knowing what to choose, fearing the unknown. Shed anxiety by trusting in the peace of knowing who you believe in and what you believe in. Here are three keys for discovering Christmas Peace.

  1. I will remind myself that I belong  to God!
  2. I will remind myself that my response to anxiety reveals who I really am and what I really believe.
  3. I will remind myself that that God is always with me.
I am not the brilliant one, those points are straight from Jeff Vines message! But this part is from me, the message I get here is Relax, God is with me, I belong to Him, and when I am not checking in with him and letting him be in charge, I get anxious! Whatever I am going through, by my own stupid efforts or the malfeasance of the government or the fool in the car ahead of me, God is using it to make me better, it works so much easier if I just relax and let the maker shape me! When he finds the hard parts in me, they have to be broken up, or reshaped, to take the dust and granite and mud that I am and turn it into the masterpiece that he desires!

Remember the seasons of your life, be glad for what has happened, give thanks for the bad things that have not happened, love those around you, never use anyone for your own purposes but seek the higher good of everyone you meet. Remember when you are on the side of a mountain, or skipping down a slope, you are not alone! Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas Season!

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